birth chart

Birth chart analysis and personality profile

Interpreting the positions of the planets at your time of birth gives you a deeper understanding into your character, various quirks and why you approach life the way you do. It reveals your potential, as well as how to maximise strengths, overcome weaknesses and eliminate self-sabotaging behaviour. You’ll also gain insight into your life purpose, relationships, career and family influences.


Enter your name here:

Sex: boy girl



birth date and time of birth:

place of birth:

Baby birth chart

Looking at the star placements at the time of your baby’s birth can give you a heads up into their blossoming personality by helping you to understand their needs and desires, even from a tender age. An ideal gift.



Need Answers?

From launching a business to planning your wedding, astrology can be a great tool in choosing the most fortuitous time. It can also help you pre-empt problems and come up with contingency plans for a less than ideal date. You can also email specific questions regarding work, love, business, finances and events.

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Absolute Crystal

Absolute Astro will have crystals of different type and sizes available here soon for online purchase. For an alphabetical listing of all crystals and their meanings click here  Watch this space.