By Hedy Damari

Monthly  Musings.

Happy New Year to you,

February is a short month, and a busy cosmos might make it feel like it’s here and gone in the blink of a cat’s eye. Jupiter and Mars will be direct—two astrological happenings that promise plenty of action!



February 2025 Horoscope


THE SUN: Our powerful star joins Mercury when it swims into Pisces on the 18th. Creativity, tenderness, and benevolence lead the way for the following 4 weeks. Tune into your muse, listen to your instincts, and give the shirt off your back. Watch out for escapist tendencies. While there is nothing wrong with dreaming, you don’t want to lose sight of your goals. The Sun remains in Pisces until March 20th.

THE FULL MOON: On the 12th, is in Leo; this is your time to shine! Step into the spotlight and be proud of your accomplishments. Toot your horn! Above all, do not hide your light under the mattress. Take pride in yourself and your achievements. Be ready to celebrate others as well. This full Moon can bring frenemies out of the woodwork. While that may be disappointing, it’s better to know who’s in your corner…and who’s not.

THE NEW MOON: February finishes on a beautiful note when the new Moon in Pisces arrives on the 27th. Suddenly, you can forge new bonds, make new art, or dream up future goals. There are no limits to what your imagination can conjure. Dream on—and big!

MERCURY: Thinking gets emotional when Mercury drifts into Pisces on the 14th. Mercury isn’t too happy in this placement because logic tends to get lost in the watery Pisces undertow. Feelings can cloud objectivity, so it’s best to find calm before making decisions. This transit is excellent for compassion, sensitivity, and intuition. Even the most stoic person can discover their soft side now (perfect for Valentine’s Day!). Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries on March 3rd.

VENUS: The heat is on once Venus enters spicy Aries on the 4th! This transit favors bold romantic moves. Let your passion take control, and you’ll stay cool through Valentine’s and beyond! But be careful: Venus in Aries can be impulsive, especially when it comes to money matters. Rein in your spending, and you’ll avoid calamity. Venus will remain in Aries until March 27th.

MARS: The Red Planet is finally direct on the 23rd. Over the past few months, it felt hard to get things moving. Progress stalled, elevating irritation. But once this day arrives, the wheels begin to turn again. Mars direct also means you can express anger clearly rather than let it simmer on the back burner. Lastly, if you hesitate to take action on a family situation, this is your green light.

JUPITER: The Giant Planet stations direct on the 4th. If you felt like you had a few restrictions on your travel or educational plans, those are lifted now. You can see the world, enroll in a course, or finally write that book.

See Full Moon Calendar for Australia here.

Live consultations:

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Peace, love and clarity,


Hedy  xxx

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